How to contact you?

You can reach me at I try to reply as soon as possible but please be patient as i could be traveling and in another timezone.

I did not receive my course?

After purchase, you will immediately be redirected to where you can access all the course material.

You will also receive an email where you can set your account password, after you set your password you will be able to access all your courses from anywhere, on any device.

If you can’t find the emails try searching your inbox for all emails sent from “” as well as checking your spam folder.

If you’re still having problems email me and we can figure it out.

I want a refund.

Because the course is digital its impossible to refund.

If you’re have any problems or complaints with your purchase please email me and we can solve the issue together.

Can I speak 1:1 with you?

Currently I can’t do 1:1 consultations because I don’t have time for it, in the future this might change.

Can I work for you?

I am looking to grow my social media and website so if you’re a great writer and content creator email me